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Is Cameron's speech on immigration too late?

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rov1100 | 11:33 Thu 14th Apr 2011 | News
44 Answers
All the posturing by politicians about immigration has not achieved anything. Has he now realised the situation cannot coninue or will it be much of the same?


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Far too little to late
The damage has been done by 40 or so years of encouraged and uncontrolled immigration by successive governments who for some reason were hellbent at all costs on destroying this country and its white identity.
Absoulutely sickening
I agree it is too late.

You only have to go round some of the inner city suburbs of Birmingham (and many other cities I guess) to see the schools where 100% of the kids are Asian (or Asian/Black/Chinese etc).

You only have to go into some of the inner city areas of Birmingham to think you are driving through Calcutta when you see the rubbish, the squaler, the ramshackle house extensions, the rubbish in the gardens, the rats, the untaxed cars, the women in their burkas. It would make you cry.

There are immigrant inner city areas where unemployment is at 20% or more amongst some ethnic groups (how many work in restaurants and similar I wonder).

Many immigrant inner city areas have a huge number of people who cant speak English, have no skills or qualifications, and are unemployable.

Labour (mainly) and Tories (partly) have ruined much of this country and it will never recover.

We will have to live with our "mistake" for the rest of our lives.
can hardly blame the tories/liberals - the Labour party yes - and there in lieth the lesson, the risk of a party with such a comfortable majority, it can ride roughshod over the opposition.

blair/browd/darling and the respective home secs should be hung drawn and quartered.

the issue now is finding a sensible policy that does not blatantly limit immigration to all as we should welcome in professionals and (genuine) refugees - it does need to eliminate some of the excesses and accept folk who demonstrate a want for tolerance.

Defining Britishness however, well that is one hell of a vague question and I am sure will generate a thousand different definitions. However, to me it is perhaps an expression of free speech, tolerance and consideration to others, be it in community or personal service. Go against this then they shouldn't be allowed in. Otherwise it is ok and we are, after all, a land of immigrants and always have been.
where are all the prop immigration mafia on this thread? The ones that tell us that uncontrolled immigration is good and we need it? Gromit, sp, jtp, zeuhl, etc the silence is deafening!
Benefit day ?
Would Cameron's speech have anything to do with the fact that there's an election coming soon?
Council elections on the 5th May you think that a speech on immigration now, is going to effect the council elections?...........c'mon.
We ordinary mortals can't know the workings of the great minds that rule us. Cameron wouldn't have said what he did if he didn't think it would be to the Tories advantage.
Sandy...Sandy......I despair of you.

Uncontrolled immigration has been going on for the past 10-15 years.

Labour hadn't a clue as to the extent and certainly no idea how to control it.
Coalition is in the same boat...........not a clue how to handle it.

All much too late now.
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But you need to look at the positive side. If all countries had stricter laws on immigration you and your good lady wouldn't be able to enjoy the Spanish sunshine.
Sandy ..sandy......try getting into the USA.......and yes, when one retires to a foreign country like Spain, the us "immigrants" have to either have private health care or a guarantee from the UK government that they will foot the health bills for the over 65's.
Also, benefits are not available until the immigrant has worked for 2years,
Not an easy ride eh?

In the UK all these benefits are immediately available to all immigrants ......if they can find them.
All the more reason why I'm proud to live in a decent, liberal, country like the UK. Here we welcome almost anybody with open arms and an open purse.
sandy....that;s true....:-)
The Spaniards would not provide a roof over your head as well.
Why are the politicians of all parties so scared about clamping down on immigration? Who are they scared of? Are they scared of pandering to popularism? Why, what's wrong with popularism? If it's popular and the vast majority support it then that's what they must do.
Cameron daring to speak on immigration, may I be the first to bring up that word 'RACIST'?

VHG Jolly good answer, why don't you type it out and send it to no.10, so the likes of Cameron is aware of how the majority of us feel?

/// Vince Cable today condemned David Cameron's speech on immigration as 'very unwise' and suggested it could 'inflame extremism'.///

/// Today, the Business Secretary made clear the Lib Dems - who backed an immigration amnesty during the general election - were distancing themselves.///

Well we all know now what the Lib Dem's policy on Immigration is, more reason not to vote for an 'Alternative Vote' system on May 5.

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