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Dalgliesh tells Wenger to p*ss off!

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Gromit | 09:51 Mon 18th Apr 2011 | News
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Will the FA be consistant and impose a ban for this display of swearing on camera last night?


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I think you'll find he didn't make a concerted effort to swear into the camera unlike Rooney the troglodyte.
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Look at the facts trigger.
Arsenal score 98th min right at the end of the 8mins extra time given.
Liverpool are then given a penalty,in the 101st min. 3mins after.
So why the extra 3mins play,even allowing for the restart after the Arsenal goal.
That,I think you,ll find,was what Arsene Wenger,with good reason,was annoyed about.
Grandad the figure is a minimum and is discretionary., the ref, may have added time for actions whithin the 8 minutes. I.e how long did it take for Arsenal to set up and take thier penalty? 40 seconds then the celebration then the booking. The time to set up the free kick?

Not only that you play to the whistle, Wenger had no reason to be annoyed about it, his team should have been professional.
Does the Arsenal team run out of battery-life 101 minutes into a game.....?
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Whatever the rights and wrongs of the situation, this was broadcast at a time when young children were watching, it brings football into disrepute, and Under the present clampdown, deserves at least the same punishment as Rooney. But the FA is spineless.
The big difference is , Wayne looneytunes, is a Lady Veg.
his obscenities were directed at the general public, He thinks we should support him when he is playing absolutely rubbish for england. I will never forgive him for his attitude in the world cup.

unless of course he does a Geoff Hurst. even then he will still be a Lady Veg
that's rubbish, does that mean everyone seen swearing (we can only assume though can't we because it wasn't even audible) should be charged?
I can't believe folk are trying to back up Rooney still, even he's said it was stupid!
You'd have thought Utd fans would be grateful seeing as we've pretty much just handed them the league title!
No. Because as it's been said a billion times, what Rooney did was different.

And with yesterday, I don't really think it woud be fair to try and dress that up as anything else then Arsenal completely cocking it up.
"Rooney still, even he's said it was stupid! "

Mr Potato Head only apologised because he was told by his "people" to do so not of his own accord or because he thought it was the right thing to do
Gromit I am in total agreement with you
The ban on Rooney was silly and the FA should be consistant - but I wont hold my breath
Wenger is just a bad loser. He cannot see the players he breeds are just a load of chokers who seem to fail when within sight of the winning post. Happens year after year.
Of course he's a bad loser - so is Sir Alex - thats why they are where they are
no ban. he does it with such style,
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I'm sorry but I don't think Daglish did anything wrong, you can't see what Wenger says.

The Rooney thing was because he swore directly at the camera.

"Industrial" language is part and parcel of any sport. Wheras Rooney was about standards (gone but not forgotten) Dalglish, and if i'm honest Rooney, is about Sky cameras intrusion. Sky are aware of whats going on but they walk away from culpability, by say they are just showing what was going on.

In 1964, when Match of the Day started, I am sure that Shankle, Nicholson, Busby et al, all swore however the BBC weren't shoving cameras everyware.

The camera follows Wenger, any controversy here is down to Sky's courting controversy and the gullible who get excited about it.
wasn't there a game in the 80s between milwall and arsenal where the ref was mic'd up. and the ensuing onslaught of abuse and foul language towards the ref meant that they never did it again.

as said, rooney directed it at the viewing public. dalglish directed it at and individual. its a fair kop. if wenger is offended he can take it up with dalglish, the fa don't need to act.
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Type Your Answer Here...yne Rooney wasn't charged with being an idiot, being ugly, or being a complete k nobhead. All of that is incontestable. What he was charged with was // using offensive, insulting and/or abusive language //.

How can anyone argue that Dalglish is not guilty of the same offence? All we want is consistency.
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