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Sunday, A Day Of Rest

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ttfn | 13:07 Sun 15th May 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I hope you are all enjoying yourselves and, for those who are working, may your day go smoothly. The sun is shining here, I have done my housework, (well, as much as I intend to) so the rest of the day may be spent as I see fit. Have a great day, whatever you are doing.


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How very nice, ttfn - sounds great. I have loads to do but little inclination ;-)
Good afternoon, there is no sun shining here and it is a little chilly.

I am in the midst of cooking sunday dinner, I tried to make a beef wellington and it is looking a sorry sight!!!

Have a good day.
Thank you for your good wishes, ttfn. I am not working, the rain is falling here in Yorkshire, but what care I? My gardening is done, and I do not have to be somewhere at a specific time. All the best to you also.
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Hi, boxy. When I am too inclined I usually lie down and prevent slippage ☺
Funnygirl -10/10 for effort - just make a thick gravy/sauce to cover it - it will taste fine I am sure.
Afternoon ttfn :)
Busy day yesterday so taking it easy today.. Quite tired to be honest. How are you?x
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Hello suezy x. Charge your batteries up today then. Are you looking forward to having the Queen visit your wonderful city this week? Bobby would look grand in a patriotoc flag ☺. I am fair tickety boo, ta.
If I lie down I just know that I will go to sleep... ;-)
Sow your wild oats on Saturday night...then pray for crop failure on Sunday.

Hi ttfn !!
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Boxy, there are ladies who lunch and ladies who snooze ♥
LOL I like that, redman! Reminds me of when my BIL went through Mum's calendar writing ridiculous appointments (when she wasn't looking), she was really angry when she saw "Sow Wild Oats" against one date, she thought my Dad had written it!
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Hi red - how are you? Still twitching, I hope ;o) x
Still twitching as they say ttfn !
Always happy when I'm out and about watching our World go by.......
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Apologies to you bookbinder - have just cleaned my glasses! Enjoy the rainfall for the garden's sake. It is quite dusty here in the south and I spent last Sunday wax washing 2 large estate cars for my sins. One is apparently silver and the other blue ;o)
Hi all, well I've pottered about the house this morning, had a tinkle the ivories for my five.minutes 'me' time and now its the dreaded wardrobe clear out time. Wish me luck, I could end up in Narnia!
See you next week, Lore - how are you sorting - keep, don't fit but keep, charity shop, sell on eBay? (that's my usual classification!)
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Hi Lore/Capt. Oates
My classifications:
yep, I like that
who the heck gave me THAT?
bugger - I never saw that stain down the front
it will do for decorating in
apologies to ttfn. funnygirl remember that Beef Wellington always tastes much better if cooked in an old sweaty wellington.Ron.
I usually keep if I've worn it in the last six months ( not that I can remember that far back)
Bin if it's looking a bit old/worn, if I've just gone off it and it looks quite new ( sometimes a few bits have the labels still attached :o/) I pass them on to charity.
If mine still have labels on, I eBay them - get a bit of dosh back for our holidays.
Hiya Ena,
I am not excited about her visit or Obamas, doesn't affect me you know, although I think it is good she is visiting. I feel sorry for her coming here when so many people here are against her visit, i think people need to move on and leave the past where it is.
Dull day here in Dublin, hope she brings some good weather with her ;)

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Sunday, A Day Of Rest

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