I was accusing you Jack yes, I know you were asking Den, but seeing as I started this, I feel i should fight my corner so to speak!
pretty much the majority of posters who use the news category knows that AOG uses the word "savages" frequently, as we've all pulled him on using that particular word, you included (I think) yet last night you posted this news story with the very same word in its title. I can only conclude that you either now find this word acceptable, or its only acceptable when its used to further your belief in something or, as i believed at the time, used to bait AOG.
As I've said, I apologise if none of the above is true, but that is how i saw the post last night. My only regret is that in being honest now, and not hiding being the anonymity of the report button which I used is that i may lose you as someone I consider a friend on here.
Apologies from me too Safiya.