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David Cameron announces new £814m donation for vaccinations

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Gromit | 11:54 Mon 13th Jun 2011 | News
21 Answers
// "In addition to our existing support, we will provide £814 million of new funding up to 2015.
"This will help vaccinate over 80 million children and save 1.4 million lives." //


Makes you proud to be British?


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So 1.4 million lives will be saved......where's the funding coming from for their food?
why are we senidng more money abroad?
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The money would be better spent on sex education and contraception. Perhaps if those in the 'developing' world were to stop having children who invariably end up starving, disease ridden and foreign aid dependant the world would be a better place and British money could be spent where it's needed most.....Britain.
If the infant mortality rate falls they may not have as many children. So there will be many babies that remain a twinkle in their fathers eyes.
trigger.....I have no problem funding vaccines for 80 million children overseas and applaud Cameron for announcing it. My problem is we have not solved world starvation and adding additional mouths may make matters worse.
"And Mr Cameron said that there was a "strong practical" argument for aid, as it would help transform poor countries in Africa into trading partners for the UK, and would prevent the conditions which lead to mass migration, radicalisation and terrorism"

Well, we've been sending aid for the last 50 years at least, so why is Africa such a lawless shambles?

Most of the aid money goes to corrupt leaders.

It pays these leaders to keep the country starving, so that the aid money keeps coming.
OMG does he really think that by innoculating all these little boys and little African girls he is going to guilt/obligate them into staying in Africa in order to trade with Britain......
Ah ha ha ha ha the man is either a complete numpty or seriously delusioned.

We'll keep your babies alive if you promise to keep them out of our country and play nicely when we want something in return. All hail the mighty British Empire's return!
Disollusioned / Deluded *
So by saving all those African boys and girls he hopes to prevent the conditions which lead to mass migration, radicalisation and terrorism?????

What will their next brilliant idea be when they find this hasn't worked, perhaps repatriate all those additional lives saved to 'Blighty' to give them a better life, because Africa cannot once again cope with these additional numbers?

As I have already pointed out in the ED's vote on overseas aid, all this extra money to be spent on 80 million vaccines, wasn't it only last winter that there was a shortage of Flu-jabs for our own people?
When was the last time someone in Britain died from the flu who wasn't already well past their '3 score years and ten'?
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// Young and middle aged adults bore the brunt of influenza last winter with nearly three-quarters of fatal cases hitting this age group, according to a health watchdog report. //

Not that age has anything to do with it. Last years winter flu was due to bad decisions and bad management.
Cheers Gromit

that's interesting. I've been trying to find explanation but without success.
I see Cameron is siding will Bill Gates to be the champion of the world. The only difference is BIll Gates is giving his own money while Cameron is handing out taxpayers money. We can all be generous with other peoples money can't we?

/// When was the last time someone in Britain died from the flu who wasn't already well past their '3 score years and ten'? ///

How old were those who died?

/// Of those 112 victims, so far only the ages of 101 have been released. Of those 101, six have been children under five; nine have been children aged five to 14; 70 have been people aged 15 to 64; and 16 have been over 64. ///

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So this is how he can afford to throw our money about.
Thirty quid per taxpayer (which will have to be added to government borrowing to fund). £10 per vaccination and a one in fifty-seven success rate. Not a bad deal.

Still, who needs to worry when it’s other people’s money being pledged?

I heard some cove on the radio on my way home this afternoon saying he was “proud” to be a citizen of a country with such an altruistic attitude. Well I’m not. Not whilst we have people in this country who are being told they cannot have some of the services we have all paid in for because of lack of funds.

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David Cameron announces new £814m donation for vaccinations

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