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I admit this has crept up on me, I didn't know anything about it until this morning

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Gromit | 11:06 Sat 25th Jun 2011 | News
8 Answers
I admit this has crept up on me, I didn't know anything about it until this morning.

Has it been badly publicised or did everyone else know?
Also, is this new? Is it a good idea?


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I knew.
The first UK Armed Forces Day took place on 27 June 2009, it replaced Veterans' Day which was first observed in 2006.
I agree with you, Gromit. It was mentioned on the radio this morning but that was the first time I'd heard about it.
I saw a flag flying over the War Office (or whatever it's now called) on Whitehall the other day - the top half of a Union Jack, the bottom half saying Armed Forces Day was coming. (There's one in the array of changing pictures on your link). Apparently it began in 2006


The Japanese have a Respect for the Aged Day, which became embarrassing when it turned out a little while ago that half the country's centurions are missing presumed dead; on 364 days of the year nobody even bothered to check if they were alive, let alone well.
Interesting, as we've been asked to participate in one next Sunday. Not sure of that's a local think. Will check with the 'boss' later today.
Yes must admit it has has very little publicity, could it be that due to the present foreign adventures, it is deemed a little too sensitive, and may infuriate certain groups?

Only a suggestion to further additional debate, so please non of the regular posts about trying to turn this into some kind of racist or religious argument.
Well, AOG, you could have omitted that portion of your answer that could be construed as being inflamatory, in that case?
It has been well publicised - even has it's own page on Facebook.
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The contrary is probably true, it is our adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the public wishing to show appreciation to those troops which was the reason it was changed from veterans day.
If you look at the parade in Edinburgh, it is hardly a low key affair, they are not trying to hide it from anyone so as not to infuriate certain groups.

I have to admire your ability to turn any question around to 'certain groups'.

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I admit this has crept up on me, I didn't know anything about it until this morning

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