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Two dogs left to die in car

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DrFilth | 21:38 Mon 27th Jun 2011 | News
38 Answers
it seems some people never learn


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These police dogs are so well trained it makes you wonder why they are not trained to lower the back window. A few pushes on the handle is all that is required.
Dogs should not be left in hot cars even with the windows open.
"terrible yes, but national news on every bulletin ? "

As the word tradegy has been used to describe this unfortunate event, what word would be used if it were humans.

lets get this into perspective here, they were dogs, not people it wasnt deliberate by all acounts, its an unfortunate accident.

People getting killed is a tradegy not animals , we kill millions of animals every year ...for food.
But we don't boil them to death in what must have been a long lingering and horrible experience.

I have just read that the PC concerned has made a suicide attempt.
Sorry Sqad, I hadn't read your post about the suicide attempt. I can understand exactly why he attemped it - I would probably feel the same.
5,000 children died worldwide yesterday of malnutrition (and another 5,000 will today) - but the death of two animals seems eminently more newsworthy - mind-boggling.

Priorities please.

And now that the guy has slashed his wrist I hope the vengeful self-styled animal lovers are a bit happier.
I had a rant about this - however, after taking on board some of the more concillatory posts I acknowledge there is a case for a certain amount of sympathy for the officer involved - however, it doesn't mean I support what's happened - just that I've had a re-think
I have no sympathy for him. He did something monumentally stupid for the second time. IN A TRAINING CENTRE for goodness sake. I am GLAD he feels bad and i hope he serves as an example to all of his dog handling colleagues
Had he done it before then Woofy?
Yup he killed a spaniel and was disciplined for it a few years ago. Not sure how but you'd think being responsible for one dog's death would be enough.
not wishing to be inflamatory but we have all done stupid things in our time and often more than once but fortunately most of us get away with it - agree Woofgang it's a terrible thing to have happened.
I am an animal lover and I feel sorry that the guy made a suicide attempt.

The fact that thousands of people die of malnutrition, etc. does not mean I should have no sympathy for animal cruelty or neglect. I can feel compassion for humans and animals. And I think this was newsworthy.
I still say he should be punished in the same way as any member of the general public would be, and treated no differently.
I agree chaffinch.
hadn't realised he'd been responsible for the death of another dog -
I am still wondering why people can be so disdainful about those that have compassion for animals as well as for humans.
Compassion is compassion right across the board.
What I have generally found is that people who care about animals generally care about humans too.
Well said, Lofty x

Next time (given that this is the second time), it could well be his children he leaves to cook in a car!
Spot on Lottie. How dare someone infer that because we have compassion for animals that precludes having compassion for starving children or any human being.

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Two dogs left to die in car

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