My sister recently found out that her land lord has been killing her cats,because when she opened her back door to throw water out a bunch of cat bones came out from where he has been burying them,then today she caught him trying to drowned her kittens with the hose she only got to save one of them,i don't understand why people do these things what pleasures do people get out of this?I love these animals so much i have 4 cats and couldn't imagine someone hurting one of them I've had cats since i was a baby!
I'm not a cat lover but I would never, ever harm one
What your landlord did is animal cruelty and as such a prosecutable offence. Report him
Are you in the UK?
I don't know how people can be so cruel either but it's a sad fact of life that there are some people are. At least you know now and can take approriate action. well done to your for saving the kittens. Report him to the animal welfare authorities
Some people are just sick. That's a sad fact of life, star57 :(
What did she say to him when she saw him trying to kill the kittens? Why didn't she phone the police there and then?
I would be straight on the phone to animal welfare, and also the police.
Just out of curiosity, how do mean, "a bunch of cat bones came out from where he has been burying them"?
Star57, just reort him to the authorities. From what i've seen of the animal nprotection authoities in the States on TV, they would act pretty swiftly and get this s o b where he should be - behind bars
Thats really appalling star57. If this guy is that sick i'd be swiftly looking for a new landlord if I were your sister, he's clearly not right in the head :(