I know it's not easy to present an ironical view in writing, but some people seem to have completely misunderstood my question. I specifically intended it to draw attention to the fact that it is utterly brainless just to blame Brown for OUR financial state, given that - according to Cameron himself - every OTHER country is in the same condition...and I know Brown wasn't chancellor/leader anywhere else!
DTC, if you care to read the Wikipedia article on Reginald Maudling, Tory Chancellor, you will find that he left a note for the incoming Labour one, James Callaghan. It read, "Good luck, old cock. Sorry to leave it in such a mess." I realise most right-wingers have little if any memory beyond about a decade, but can you really see much difference between his note and Byrne's? Click
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reginald_Maudling and read the last sentence in the section headed ‘Chancellor of the Exchequer'.
Well said to those of you who got my point.