No, youngmafblog, they have not all gone to the EDL. According to the Good Doctor Vince Cable, Business Secretary (whatever that means) there are a number of “nutters” among the Republican element of the US congress:
It seems these people have been branded so because they have the audacity to suggest that it is foolish in the extreme for the President to continue with his policy of borrowing more and more money to meet current costs – loans which the country cannot afford to service and which have no realistic prospect of ever being repaid.
It is apparent from some of the comments in this question that we are in huge peril in the UK of labelling two groups in the same way. We have some disaffected people with huge issues concerning anybody whom they do not view as “English” and we have those who might not agree with what seems to be the western world’s answer to all our financial woes – just borrow more and more money. Both are labelled as “nutters” and we see a Cabinet Minister describing as somehow deranged, US congressmen who have been duly elected precisely because of their views on the economy simply because those views differ from his.
Personally I’m quite sure who poses the greatest threat to me and mine. I’m prepared to put up with a few disaffected thugs causing mayhem at football matches. I can (and do) choose not to attend such gatherings. But I cannot avoid the politicians, both here and abroad, who cripple their national economies by sticking to political dogma with scant regard for its effects.