Thanks for your observation that my comments are 'humane' Prudie, although that is not actually my position.
My stance on this - along with jackthehat's is a matter of the application of the law, which has not sentiment attatched to it, or it fails to operate correctly.
Criminals are punished according to the law, and once they have served their sentence, then they are free to live in society unmolested or in fear of their lives.
You can scream about 'haning being too good for them ...' and all the rest of the self-righteous claptrap that always populates threads like this - but that is not how a civilised society works.
The vigilante mob must never be allowed to take the law into their own hands - that is the way to a lawless soceity where only the strong (and self-righeous / opinionated / vicious / violent) survive, and I don't wish to live in a world like that.
The law is imperfect, as is the sentencing system a lot of the time, but until someone comes up with something better, it is what we all, and I stresss all, live with.