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mj's witnesses

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netibiza | 07:52 Sat 09th Apr 2005 | News
9 Answers
All these people who "saw" mj molest certain children - why didn't they report him to the police - in my eyes they are as guilty as he is - could you work somewhere if you knew this sickness was happening??


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lol. Just what I was thinking. Haven't heard about the defence making this part of their questioning of these witnesses.

If they saw it, didn't report it, and are now making money from it...bad bad people. Bad.

Can't disagree with you there.

The security guard who reported the oral incident carried on working for him for about a year after he saw it, making his claims that he believed "it wasn't right" seem pretty damn hollow.

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Because you don't bite the hand that feeds you!

They were on to a good thing and didn't want to loose their jobs
I'd rather get a job scrubbing toilets then work for someone who I believed to be a paedophile!

But do you not feel that ultimately you're detracting from the real offender? His employees aren't as guilty as him by any means. Not if he is guilty...

I'm not justifying them not saying anything, but ultimately he's the one who has (allegedly) touched children in an inappropriate way. 

This is exactly what the defence are saying in order that MJ is not convicted.

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I, for one, could not live with myself if I stood by and let this alleged crime take place - by not saying anything they are condoning it - which in my mind is just as bad.


Don't believe all that "i swear on almighty god" cobblers. 

People lie throught their teeth if they think theres money in it..

I think I would feel quite physically sick if I saw my employer doing that... I would feel uncomfortable in his presence and I honestly don't think I could work for someone no matter the amount of the wage.  Other jobs, other celebs.... I would assume he would get a reference from MJ if he was a good employee...

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mj's witnesses

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