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work of art

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To-Ryscum | 21:58 Wed 17th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
If money was not a problem - which work of art would you most like to own


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Monet's The Absinthe drinker. It's a brilliant painting, both funny and sad at the same time
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I"d go for a Klimt or a Vermeer - not fussy about which one

but i suppose all the money in the world ,would"nt be enough to get my
hands on one of those two Artists work.
The fighting Temeraire by Turner, a brilliant painting.
Anything by Turner.. There's soo much in his paintings. I can look at them for ages and still see something new.

Monet's Le Jardin.
I was in a hotel in a small village in northern Spain which had a print of Temeraire on the bedroom wall.
If Monet was not a problem the other Impressionists would be redundant.
Degas Absinthe drinkers. It's getting too late for me.
A Rolf Harris
The Grand Canal by Canaletto.............
anything by Tony Hart!
I'd enjoy "Sunday afternoon on the Island of the Grand Jetty" George Seurat

One of my faves that one craft.
A Jack Vettriano - any would do.
I've got a few Vettriano framed prinys ayg.........unfortunately no originals.
Lovely isn't it ladybirder.............the light on the water is beautiful.
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can somebody tell me - there is a painting,it was brought to light on
The Antiques Roadshow,some time ago - it depicted a night scene at
an Oasis - not sure,but Richard Dadd may have painted it

Does anyone have a pic -- and what did it sell for? Beautiful painting!
This night scene - it wasn't the Queen of Sheba in a pub with sixteen of her mates, by any chance?
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Oi! Leave it - Mike11111 ;-)
It was a water colour and sold for £100,000.

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work of art

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