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'Travellers' fighting eviction from Dale Farm......

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joeluke | 17:43 Tue 20th Sep 2011 | News
33 Answers
.....seem to be all women and children

Where are all their brave menfolk hiding?


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A majority of them were born in England. Don't let the accents fool you.
Boo, Ireland has dealt with them. That's why they're in Essex now.
There's always two sides to every story.
Can't read that Sandy, i'd get too annoyed.

Bloody puddings...quite happy to flout the law then by jingo look at 'em now, using it for all their worth, hypocrites!
saw a prog on tv the other night about the fact that they own dozens of houses in Ireland that no body lives in, so maybe they know they can get more benifits over here from the gullible British? they definately have some where to go if they are made to, most of them are quite rich anyway, they would hardly have to club together to aford a B&B, scum the lot of them.
Have they actually left empty houses in Ireland? If so it would be funny if the
tables were turned and when they got back to their houses they couldn't get
in because of squatters! And how do they manage to get away with claiming
benefits when they own their own homes?
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Thats a thought cupid, anyone want a holiday in ireland, free accommodation.
It will be women and kids fighting eviction the men are out stealing or p ing it up
They all own 90% of a village in southern Ireland and head back there for 8 weeks over Xmas
Did you know each kid has 10 or more first names and surnames.
I used to deal with them and the kids sometimes forgot which name they were supposed to be using .
The women are just as rough as the blokes, in looks and fighting

The men don`t like showing their faces on TV incase they are recognised when they go out on the thief, except for celeb pikey.. Paddy Docherty, who, by the way insists all the flash cars and caravans are not paid for but are on hire purchase, yeh right!
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