Agree to disagree NJ.
As to the MOT side issue, I do not understand your meaning of "separate offence" if that does not include an offence such as "Causing or likely to cause danger by reason of use of unsuitable vehicle or use of a vehicle with parts or accessories (excluding brakes, steering or tyres) in a dangerous condition".
Not only is it possible for a dangerous non-testable item to exist throughout a successful MOT examination and be missed by the tester, it can also be noticed by the tester and warrant no more than a "dangerous" advisory.
The procedure for this situation is specified in the MOT Test Manual:
VT32 – Advisory Notice
This is used to advise the vehicle presenter of any items that in opinion of the NT require written notification. For example:
· a testable item which is only just passable and may need attention soon; or
· an item which is not within the scope of the MOT test and may need attention; or
· any peculiarity of the vehicle (e.g. front passenger seat missing).
If the NT considers an item on the vehicle, whether testable or not, to be so defective that it renders the vehicle dangerous to drive on the road, the NT must notify the vehicle presenter of the nature of such defects. This must be recorded in box C of the VT32 as appropriate. All dangerous defects must be explained to the vehicle presenter.