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Well,it looks like Mr.Fox has slipped under the AB radar,but I can"t help
thinking that he has taken the same arrogant view as David Cameron
who took the slippery Andy Coulson into No.10(when he thought no-one
was looking,and because Rupert Murdoch insisted on Coulsons placement)
The Cameron - Murdoch Faustian pact was to ensure the smooth sale
of BSkyB - in return for,possibly,the continued support of the Murdoch
Press in the rocky times ahead(I don"t think Cameron has the skills or the
cojones,to think he could do without Rupert)
Thank heavens The Guardian put a stop to all of that.Imagine,without
their persistence in exposing the phone hacking,Rupert would now be
running the whole show(Telly,satellite channels,Newspapers,he would
have Cameron,Osborne and the top coppers at the Met in his pocket!!
Oh,and tomorrow,I look forward to learning more about Mr Fox,
Mr Werrity and some nefarious activities they are upto in Sri Lanka