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liam fox and his best man

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kinkajou2 | 18:47 Wed 05th Oct 2011 | News
25 Answers
What is going on - his mate is able to wander in and out of the M.O.D
although he holds no civil service position(is he privy to state secrets?

- and he is running some Consultancy firm on the strength of free access)
Apparently,same friend ran a Health related Consultancy when Fox was
Health Minister! - Quite a charmed life - and no doubt,a nice little earner!

What cut of the profits is Mr Fox on?


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correction - when Fox was Shadow Health Secretary
Have you got a link to this story?
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watching it on Channel 4 News now
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I have just googled "Liam Fox and Adam Werrity" - as well as being one
- time flatmates - they have shared some cosy Business arrangements
How is Mr Werrity able to swan around the M.O.D without Security clearance? - when asked by Ch.4 News - Mr Fox was strangely silent
- a first for the usually chatty Mr Fox! - and his pal was nowhere to be
found at the Tory Conference?? hmmmmmm!!
Are you really at all surprised?
Question Author
Well,it looks like Mr.Fox has slipped under the AB radar,but I can"t help
thinking that he has taken the same arrogant view as David Cameron
who took the slippery Andy Coulson into No.10(when he thought no-one
was looking,and because Rupert Murdoch insisted on Coulsons placement)

The Cameron - Murdoch Faustian pact was to ensure the smooth sale
of BSkyB - in return for,possibly,the continued support of the Murdoch
Press in the rocky times ahead(I don"t think Cameron has the skills or the
cojones,to think he could do without Rupert)
Thank heavens The Guardian put a stop to all of that.Imagine,without
their persistence in exposing the phone hacking,Rupert would now be
running the whole show(Telly,satellite channels,Newspapers,he would
have Cameron,Osborne and the top coppers at the Met in his pocket!!

Oh,and tomorrow,I look forward to learning more about Mr Fox,
Mr Werrity and some nefarious activities they are upto in Sri Lanka
here you go, kinkajou

Seems Mr Fox has memory lapses.
Question Author
There has been little coverage on this Dr Fox,in perhaps an
attempt to pre-empt an probing questions,has asked for an internal
enquiry at the M.O.D.
Why was Adam Werrity invited 14 times into the M.O.D.without security see Dr Fox?Whynot meet at another place?Was it to allow
Werrity to see things that could not leave the building?
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I hope they didn't economise by sharing a room on their travels.
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thank you for the link jno
Question Author
Thank you sandyRoe,the plot thickens........!
Saw a picture of 1 of his business cards.
With a logo of a Portcullis prominent,it said
Adam Werrity - Advisor to Dr Liam Fox MP - cheeky,or what?!
I am assuming Mr Werrity paid his own travel expenses for the trips he was seen accompanying Dr Fox?....or did he. I think in these cash strapped times he should be questioned robustly about this and irrefutable proof given if denied. The press should keep on this story relentlessly and not be allowed to be lost in other news, as it looks like an politician haslost touch with the real world and seems he can do what he likes.
BTW could Werrity be breaking the law posing as an adviser for Dr Fox ?
Question Author
It has been suggested,in another thread,that the Labour Party may be
seeking to out Dr Fox and Mr Werrity as a gay relationship.Who cares?
The more urgent matter in need of an explanation,is how and why
Werrity has been attempting to pass himself off as an adviser to a
Government Minister and a confidant of the Prime Minister.
It seems that Dr Fox may soon become embroiled in a highly contentious
legal battle involving US Post-it note conglomerate 3M,due to his friends
Allegedly.Werrity had been brokering a multi-million pound deal between
3M and Porton Capital ,when the deal began to cool off,it was suggested
in an e-mail to 3M,that Dr Fox would have a word with David Cameron
which would result in George Buckley,3M"s chief executive,likely to be
given a Knighthood.
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I think Dr Fox knows the game is up.Talk about a rabbit in the headlights
moment,when he was asked questions at a news conference in Libya.
Think he was only just becoming aware of the deep stuff his young friend
has put him in!
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Most of today"s Politicians think that a simple sorry will do.
It will not - and David Cameron,always so quick to tell those
with less money or power that they must face up to their
responsibilities,should prove that he understands that.If Fox
has"nt the decency to quit,Cameron should fire him.
I believe Fox is a powerful figure in the Tory party. As President Johnson once said of a rival: It's better to have him inside the tent pi***ng out, than outside pi***ng in.
Perhaps Cameron is afraid to do the right thing?
Question Author
sandyRoe - I thought your final sentence read"Perhaps Cameron is afraid
of the right wing"
and of course,Dave is terrified in both cases!
Look,we all know Dave believes in giving a fellow a second chance,but
Dr Fox has made a gross error of judgment,not befitting his high office.
His 'best friend' going ton trips all over the world with him, then the burgluary where it turns out he had another male 'friend' staying the night which wasnt exactly broadcast. I think we all know where this is heading!
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The King of Foxonia is unavaiblable for comment at this time.

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