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Are these points too draconian?

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anotheoldgit | 10:01 Sat 15th Oct 2011 | News
144 Answers
I was recently repeatedly asked to outline 6 bullet points on the actions that I would take if I was in Number 10.

To which I replied:

Too late now, if you had asked this question 50 odd years ago, then perhaps we could have helped to solve some of today's problems.

1. All British passports to be considered void, on the granting of independence from British rule.

2. Limit immigration to include only self financing skilled persons.

3. Immigrants to learn English, and then to apply for British citizenship.

4. Ban on certain items of clothing that is alien to our culture.

5. No dispensations from the law of the land

6. Restrictions on the type of architecture, that is liable to change the face of English towns, cities and villages.

To which my original taunter was strangely 'As quiet as the grave'.

My points were more recently copied by another ABer to somehow prove his point, but once again all was quiet as the tumble-weed blew down the street.

I now enter these 6 bullet points once again, to ask ABers their opinions on them, and all I ask is for constructive non abusive answers.


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What have you got against certain types of dancing and music then, aog?
" siding up with your soul mates " :( architecture, get rid of the " gherkin " its dreadful.
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No not at all, but if I gave you that impression may I now apologise.

If you read some of the replies I have received, you will soon realise who I was referring to.
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Yes you did mention that AOG (and sorry, nanny, for being picky), but I still don't agree with No. 4 - I have no objection to people wearing what they want. I'd ban trousers with crotches down by the knees if people had a say in what other people wore.
Redhelen by the nature of supply and demand we always have a shortfall in certain areas of employment , when I grew up the best trade for a man was a tool maker not alot of good now though what happens is that people retrain ...done it myself ! So that argument doesnt hold water.
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/// golden domes and minuets ///

Ups, sorry 'Minaret' they are so foreign to English culture that I can't even spell them right.
AOG ... so we are talking about England now?
I hope you mean British, AOG - there are minarets all across the UK - and actually the first mosque was in Liverpool in 1889 - it's not that alien.
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That is right, helen - people were invited to come here, not so much because of dirty-handing but because men had been lost in the war(s).
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I'll get my knitting.
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Sorry nannybooby but the people demonstrating bigotry on this thread are AOG and yourself.
Why don't you look up the definition?
You will find that it mostly refers to intolerance of difference.
in that case its QED to nannyboobi

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