My point is AOG, that a narrow band of statistical information does not take into account the huge variables involved in terms of locale, population density, and many other factors - involved in either police or education stats.
Yes, we all pay large amounts for our police service, and if (which I doubt) a simple table of statistics gave me an accurate indicator of comparative performances, what exactly am i supposed to do with that information? That is the essence of my point - information is only any use if it informs people accurately, and if they are in a position to assimilate and utilise the information they are given - and i believe none of these are present in the government's apparent willingness to give statistics out like this.
"There you go again Andy, with your inappropriate choice of words,
reading that one automatically assumes that once again you have took your chance to have a political dig at the cuts in police numbers."
I assure you AOG, if i wanted to have a political dig, I would happily do so - but I never do 'inference' - i do statements of opinion and or fact, being careful to indicate which is which - something we have in common.