I watched about 10 minutes of news, and there was an item on about hygiene, the two news presenters were interviewing a woman, who said that no matter how hard one tries, every surface has bacteria, dirt, but we have to be vigilant. Then added that if you are in a bar and there are peanuts on the counter, and you put your hand on the nuts, which resulted in the presenters sitting there dying to laugh, but not quite daring to. Not sure the woman knew what she'd said, or she did and just brazenly waltzed past it, bit naughty but quite funny for that time of the morning. Ever hear similar, naughty but not offensive comments on telly or radio.
There was a presentation of some kind in The White House and President Nixon told someone that Spiro Agnew, the VeePee, had one of his balls for them.
It might be on Youtube somewhere.
SR, indeed, i know some are well known for their unintentional gaffes
Johnners, of cricket fame was a good source of material, some perhaps urban myths, but there have been a few that made me laugh out loud.