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State visit of Turkish President Abdullah Gul

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anotheoldgit | 14:57 Thu 24th Nov 2011 | News
39 Answers
During the recent state visit of the Turkish President Abdullah Gul and First Lady, Hayrunnisa Gul, the Queen was reported as saying:

/// "We have come through a great deal together to develop what is, today, a very modern partnership," she said. "In Europe, the British Government remains committed to working with you to secure your place in the European Union.".///

it seems now that Turkey has already got the blessing of both the Queen and her government to join the EU, so if Turkey is successful in achieving this goal, will it have the dramatic effect of increasing the influence of Islam here in the UK?

One can only hope that France's opposition to them joining will be successful.


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No. Turkey is a secular nation.
To be honest I find your question rather offensive.
Turkey should never be part of the EU, they are an asian country only one little tip of the country borders on europe.
I don't think the fact that most of it is in what used to be called Asia Minor is really an issue. And part of the country, including the capital, is in "Europe proper" if you like. So it's either part of Europe and Asia, or neither.

I see you've belong to the Harry Redknapp/Tony Pulis travelogue :-)
99% of Turkey is in Asia, you tell me .
The Queen's speeches are approved by the government and reflect government policy. The UK supports Turkey jointing the EU because that is what the US wants.
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/// To be honest I find your question rather offensive. ///

Please explain?
Ichkeria, Ankara is in Asia.
Sorry yes I meant Istanbul (the largest city).
But like I say, does it matter?
And if Turkey wasn't full of Moslems would anyone be raising the issue?
At least AOG's objections, distasteful though they may be, are honest.
Mine are also totally honest, even my geography is spot on.
The Queen has to meet some very nasty characters. Remember Ceausesce of Romania or the President of China? They both had the red carpet rolled out for their visits.
Turkey's like Russia, in two continents. Like having dual citizenship: you're fully qualified in both countires. The only reason people object to it is, ugh, Muslims!

Let Russia join instead, they're Christians like us.
The Turks have a lot to offer Europe. They're hard working and will soon fill the job vacancies that no one wants. I'm looking forward to another new culture in the UK.
Turkey will not join the EU within 20 years at the earliest.

Has Turkey being a member of NATO and a long time ally meant that our forces have been influenced by Islam?

Turkey is a secular country. It has laws which prevent Islamists influencing their own country.
“And if Turkey wasn't full of Moslems would anyone be raising the issue?”

Yes. I would. I don’t much care what religion Turkish people are. The thought of expanding the corrupt anti-democratic empire that is the EU even further is more offensive to me than you found this question, ichkeria.

The notion that another 70m people will have unfettered access to these shores fills me with dread. It may have escaped yours and Messi_Ten’s notice but there are more than a million 16-24 year olds in this country without a job. It’s perfectly true that a number of them, like their parents and possibly grandparents, have no intention whatsoever of working. Best that the government sets them to work or withdraws their benefits before shipping in ever greater numbers to fill the jobs they “will not do”.
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What a brilliant 'summing-up' by the Judge.
quite agree, messi. I'd like more Turkish restaurants around - most of the present ones are really Cypriot. Real Turkish cuisine is wonderful.
Turkey should not be part of the EU, if it's admitted, it will be the biggest mistake since the creation of the Euro
Have to agree with Brenden on this one.
The only thing Turkey has to be offer is people, and if the floodgates are opened to them, see them flooding here en masse.
and em

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State visit of Turkish President Abdullah Gul

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