she wasn't beaten and attacked by an angry mob, and he wasn't attacked (mainly because most of the people seemed to have better manners than her). He is, say, 2 years old. You have seen her "parenting skills" for about 4.5 minutes of 2 years, yet insist that she is a bad mother or as other people have said that he should be taken away from her! We all get our minds "poisoned" by what our parents think. the way i live my life and conduct myself is largely owing to the way my parents brought me up. Just because those views and attitudes are unpalatable, dosen't mean every child with racist parents should be taken away from their parents and put in care!
I really don't like it when parents take their kids to macdonalds and feed them chips, but just because i don't like it dosen't mean they should go into care. Who made you moral arbiter of the world?
Anyway, i would just like to point out that i don't for one minute agree with what she said, or swearing like that in front of kids