regarding all the stop and search controversy with black people
wouldn't it be a good idea to suspend all stop and search on the blacks and see in a years times if any crimes related to blacks have increased due to the suspension.
this would be a good indication whether or not to discontinue this policy or reinstate it
I'm for racial profiling depending on where you're at. White people in the ghetto or black people in humpties driving around wealthy neighborhoods, Arabs in airports and anyone with a non-native accent. It makes absolutly no sense in random searches of grandmas in airports just to keep things "fair".
Sure they could. It seems implausable but I don't think I've ever heard of one. To pass a young Arab male to random a fifty year old white woman in the interest of fairness is counter intuitive.
Maybe they should issue those stopped and searched with 'already done by PC Smith on dd/mm/yy as one of the complaints seems to be multiple stops in close succession
Isn't it the case the police can only stop and search if they believe they have a 'reason'? So they stop someone they suspect of something, the person they stop shows them a card that says he got stopped and searched a couple of days ago and so gets let to walk off again but then what happens to the initial reason for stopping them?
A young Doctor I knew was always being stopped when in town he was also stopped a few times when driving and asked to prove he was driving his own car,,, smart, educated, professional, black he couldn't think of any reason why he'd be stopped