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Wrong on so many levels?

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d9f1c7 | 16:53 Thu 15th Mar 2012 | News
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How can Islam expect anything but disdain from the civilised world when this sort of thing happens? Traditional practice apparently!


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Sorry before anyone gets me for saying 'wrongfully abused'... abuse is abuse, there is no right or wrong... what I meant was that the Prosecutor should have prosecuted the guy for rape in the first place.
Arriving late into this debate, I find it very hard reading the entered posts, because it was like reading a book with some pages missing.

I am referring of course to the removal of all of Rymnt's posts, obviously if they were breaking Site Rules then they should have been remove.

Enough to say however that fortunately andy-hughes was good enough to reproduce an extract from one of Rymnt's posts.

/// "Anyone that finds an excuse that somehow attempts to justify the behavior and ignores the abhorrent reasons why this situation occurred regardless of where it happened is an apologist and should be ignored.
There, I've been diplomatic, polite and tactful." ///

Taking into account of some ABer's post on this subject, I completely agree with Rymnt's referral to the number of apologists on here.

This point in particular took my eye, when confronted with these statics on Islamic FGM one ABer put:

/// An estimated 70,000 women living in the UK have undergone FGM, and 20,000 girls remain at risk, ///

It was apologised for by the following:

/// there are nearly 3 million Muslims living in Britain, therefore it is definitely a minority practice, ///

The point that Rymnt must have been trying to get over.

Hope this doesn't make me sound a Rymnt apologist, because I do not know this person or have ever read any of his or her posts.
That should have read,

The 'apologist' point that Rymnt must have been trying to get over.
Who is being an apologist?

There are some folk exploring the background to the practices, they aren't condoning it, AOG.
/// "Anyone that finds an excuse that somehow attempts to justify the behavior and ignores the abhorrent reasons why this situation occurred regardless of where it happened is an apologist and should be ignored.
There, I've been diplomatic, polite and tactful." ///

/// An estimated 70,000 women living in the UK have undergone FGM, and 20,000 girls remain at risk, ///

It was apologised for by the following:

/// there are nearly 3 million Muslims living in Britain, therefore it is definitely a minority practice, ///

The point that Rymnt must have been trying to get over.

Not really. Your logic is awry.

Rymnt made his apologist comment before the above.

In fact when he made it, there were no posts that 'apologised' or excused these horrible events - quite the reverse.

It appears that rymnt was just another Mr Angry and was duly banned for abusive posts - not for the first time it seems.
flipping heck aog ...all that typing for nothing.... ill get the kettle on, you must be exhausted ;)
I didn't see him post anything abusive. He was fairly aggressive though and started talking about being banned if he gave his opinion. His opinion was more about others answers about the question than actually answering it himself.
Pixi, //i was laughing at you saying i did a selective google.... i didnt laugh that it may not be 'kosher' as you put it....//

//it wasnt the thought that it might not be 'kosher' (and no need to say sorry, ive got a sense of humour but that was slightly predictable)//

So the humour was there then, but it isn’t now. I see. And actually I’m at a loss to understand where you think I put words into your mouth.

Since my last post I’ve gained the impression that the charge you laid against me that I didn’t like what I read would better suit you. The thing is Pixi, I’ve read most of it before - and the information I gave in my previous offering is precisely why I advised you to google elsewhere because despite what you like to think, and despite what you would have others believe, Islam is not all milk and honey. You have never travelled to Islamic countries, you have never seen the way of life in some of those places, and therefore, you can only speak from your own happy experiences, which unfortunately do not correspond to the experiences of many other Muslim women. I actually find it very sad that those who are perhaps in a position to encourage progress don’t take the opportunity, because positive change for women in Islam can only come from within – but whilst people continue to accept, without question, the tenets of an archaic culture, it just isn’t going to happen.

Sometimes the truth is difficult to acknowledge, so your decision not to bother again doesn’t surprise me at all.

/// flipping heck aog ...all that typing for nothing.... ill get the kettle on, you must be exhausted ;) ///

I wouldn't say it was all for nothing pdust, in fact I think I got my point over very well judging by Zeuhl's extensive 'copy & paste' exercise.
naomi i said i wasnt going to bother with you anymore so this is the last time

you seemed to make out i was laughing because i put up a link that you said wasnt kosher.... i was actually laughing at you saying i selectively googled ...which i didnt and explained to you..... your own two quotes from me there are showing that i did in fact laugh at what you said about selective googling.... i think i know what i was laughing it better than you do ....

i obviously do know that lots of women have the life of dogs or worse and my heart goes out to them but this is mainly down to culture or individuals.... i know women including myself who have been treated like dogs by men but this wasnt down to religion it was down to the man....

i gave a link to rape in islam which you chose not to believe, seems you arent the only one who disregards this kind of thing...shame the morroccon legal system disregarded how a rape victim ought to have been treated...

while i may not have visited anywhere i do have a massive amount of in laws... a hell of a lot of whom live in iran, iraq and saudi....some are in syria, turkey and yemen.... i cannot speak about women i do not know, i have spoken about women i do know.... most people on here think all muslim women are oppressed or treated badly by their husbands and families... i was pointing out that not all women are.....

*Sometimes the truth is difficult to acknowledge, so your decision not to bother again doesn’t surprise me at all. *

dont twist things... i said my decision not to bother was due to your personal comments not anything else.....
aog it was just a daft remark...i did a ;) to show i was messing about....
Yes I know pdust, but I hope I didn't offend you in anyway by my response, if I did may I now apologise to you?
no need to apologise aog i wasnt offended at all... just wanted you to know i wasnt being funny with you and hoped you werent offended by my being silly.... i know we never see eye to eye on anything but if i make comments to you or anyone else randomly then its usually just my daft sense of humour.....
Pixi, I don’t ‘make out’, I’ve made no personal comments to you other than to observe that you are happy in your marriage because you said you are - and I’ve twisted nothing.

Yes, you were pointing out that all Muslim women aren’t oppressed or treated badly – and I was pointing out that many are, but since that appears to have upset you so much I can only assume it’s something you prefer not to hear.
give it up naomi you are just making yourself look daft.... everyone can see you said i wasnt qualified to comment and whatever else it was (cant remember now cos my head is banging)

i have no idea why you think you have upset me... and i did agree there are women treated badly by men in or out of your comment of something i prefer not to hear makes no sense....
Nice try Pixi. ;o)
I am getting rather confused here, who is Pixi?
Mrs Dust
pixie dust
aww aog i thought you knew who i was..... blimey you didnt think there was 2 of us giving you an old wind up every now and then did you.... sorry i would have said if i had realised you wasnt aware it was me.. i havent kept it secret :)

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