can't really offer much advice to you here, but fear i have it all to come in a few years time. One thing to remember is that its likely hormones, and therefore likely to be a phase that will pass. Try sitting him down for a chat - perhaps even apologise that you hadn't really registerd that he's now turning into an adult, and that you'll make a bigger effort in future to treat him as an adult instead of a child (not that you've done wrong, but may make him reflect on things). tell him that you'l happily treat him like an adult, and allow him to make his own choices about when he does homework etc, on the condition that he remembers he's still a young adult and needs to live by your rules, and that you don't expect to see his grades going lower now that he's making decisions for himself. if you hear from the school that homework not being done, and tests not studied for, you'l have to go back to treating him like a child. respect is a two way thing - if he can prove and show you that he can respect you and your hubby then that wil serve to increase the respect you both have for him, and the responsibility you'll allow him to have for his own actions. sorry about the typos in this - i haven't got my glasses on btw xx good luck - hope he calms down soon x