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There is plenty of evidence that these girls were targeted because they were white.
Did you fail to take into consideration what this gang said, “White girls are easy meat”.
You state if an Asian man thumps a white man it is assault and not a race crime that is rich coming from one who is forever crying down the police and the establishment.
If a white police officer attacked an Asian or black person you would be the first to class that a race attack, rather than the necessary action needed to effect an arrest of a violent person.
/// These men wanted sex, so if black, Chinese or Icelandic women were available, they would have assaulted them also ///
Taking that into consideration if a gang of white youths were out looking for a fight and they happened to pick on a black guy, would that also be classed as a racist attack because he just happened to be there at the wrong time, when he could quite easily have been an Asian, Chinese, or Icelandic?
You also put /// which contained quotes that are untrue and were merely opinions ///
You say that what these two eminent persons are saying is untrue and merely opinions, but could it possibly be true and it is your opinions that are untrue?
That is what Trevor Phillips and Nazir Afzal are saying and the whole reason for the Daily Mail report, you yourself don’t always agree with the police’s actions, so why have you chosen this time to support them on this issue against these two gentlemen, how do you know that things are not being swept under the carpet, so as not to create racial tension?