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Plans for the W/end?

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Jemisa | 23:57 Fri 25th May 2012 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
What about this gorgeous weather then? are you making the most of it this w/end? they reckon (weather people) its going to be a scorcher here in the S.E. (Southend)
The family's coming over & we're starting with a bar-BQ then down to the sea front for the spectacular Air-Show.
All back to mine & we'll follow on with the England match in the evening.
Now that sounds like a plan eh?

What is your plan?



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Trying to work out the easiest way of watering the garden from a first floor flat. Water barrel nearly empty.
Doing boring stuff tomorrow so we can go to the beach on Sunday. Hope you have a nice weekend.
Limited funds mean that I'll probably only go out on one of the two days. Given the lighter winds forecast for Sunday, and Eurovision on the box tomorrow night, that probably means that I'll stay fairly close to home tomorrow. (Yes, I do enjoy the Song Contest! It might be a bit 'trashy' but it's still vastly superior to the so-called 'reality TV' which many others seem to enjoy!).

On Sunday I'll probably head to the coast. (Possibly Brighton).

Of course I'll still want to keep track of how the cricket is progressing!
Sherrard, you off to Southerndown?................
Getting home Saturday afternoon. Dog will be walked in the forest, bike will be ridden in the forest, lakes will be swam in, in the forest. Yes my local forest plays a big part in my recreation.

Will be finished off with a BBQ and a few cold bottles of beer.
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Yep, after the football it will be straight over to the Eurovision song contest while the men discuss the football & how they could have done it better...

Weeding (not wedding) in the morning then local highland games. Later out to the pub for a few to celebrate the upcoming milestone birthday of an old friend.
Kebab probably. :)
Probably have a bbq tomorrow evening.Oh cooks for all bbq's. Sunday OH is going on an MG rally to Cotswold Wildlife park, Taking 9 year grandaughter with him. I will do them a picnic. I'm not going because I find the MG so uncomfortable having ostioarthritis. Daughter has invited us to another bbq for when they return, so no cooking for me for entire weekend.
My garden table was due to be dumped as ready to collapse but help on for months - finally dumped it and what happens - we get a heatwave!! lol So nothing to sit out at and eat over weekend. Ordered new set but cant deliver for another week. Think may drag my dining table out onto my decking lol
Uncle's 80th birthday party in the western shires this evening, at least I'll miss the dreaded Euro song contest
lol im following you jd. You mean to say you're not gona watch Engelbert?? : )
No Eng for me, even if I was in it would be the football, and then some 15 yr old prog on Dave!
lol, think Britian is just destined to fail on these shows! We all look such wallys. My mum used to watch it with a passion, bless her.
Visiting Enfield pageant, large classic car show but has very large swapmeet market, events, shows & displays on throughout weekend, taking tent as weekend long. No doubt few drinks will be flowing, many friends there so list socialising involved. But first I have to fulfill a mornings work till midday at least. Enjoy your weekend everyone whatever you decide to do :)
good morning jemisa, and everyone.

flying to spain for hols next weekend - so doing last minute shopping in cambridge today (youngest wants a new bikini, among other things)

plenty more to do too, so i'll be off here all day.

will catch up this evening.

enjoy your bbq & air show .. save me a sausage.

This morning, going up in a Dragon Rapide, at Duxford airfileld ( Imperial War Museum) for a flight over the Olympic site. Can remember these planes being in service in the '50s ; good to see a commercial aircraft from that era is still flying.
Duxford airshow is tomorrow, but you can have too much of a good thing. I'lll just sit in the garden and watch the planes fly over. Anyway , have to relax for the Eurovision and then recover after it; have a friend over from Canada, an ex-pat, and she wants to watch it. She's been away twenty years and has fond memories of it !!
Fred. i live up the road from duxford, i was not aware of the air-show. i shall try to see some of it tomorrow, thanks
Going out for a drink this evening with group of friends and then tomorrow maybe an early morning trip to North Wales to avoid the traffic (some hopes !!).
going into the hospital flat tomorrow to stay the night (just to check out we don't kill her), then BRINGING PHOEBE HOME on monday morning
Wonderful news Bednobs!

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