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flipnflap | 19:03 Fri 08th Jun 2012 | News
9 Answers
Fiona Bruce just said, sorry read: "....and from syria where a massacre left no-one alive...we have an eye witness report." If no-one was left alive how come there was an eye witness?


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A report from the scene of the massacre?
after it was over Fiona arrives and tells you what she can see.
A massacre does not automatically mean there are no survivors...and an eye witness is someone physically at the scene who can describe it-not a reporter in a studio.
sometimes their reporting leaves a lot to be desired.
Fiona can do no wrong in my eyes it must have been on the autocue,
reminds me of the plane crash ,where were the survivors buried.
baza, they get paid oodles of money for this, so you would think they could engage brain before speaking. Autocue perhaps but if something doesn't seem right then surely you have enough experience to make it sound right.
sorry, Fiona not at the scene - but presumably someone else was? I didn't see the report
They could be witnessing the result. In any case someone will be left alive, even if it is just the perpetrator.
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