If Britain and all other 'foreign' countries were to pull all their troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq immediately would the all vociferous Muslim extremists in this country stop preaching hatred and become peaceable British citizens ?
This is a serious question, not an attempt to evoke anti-muslim comments.
But the problem is - these deaths (not all of them obviously), have been caused by the political destabilisation of the region as different tribes have attempted to capitalise on the power vacuum we created.
I think we were naive going into Iraq (can't really talk about Afghanistan as I don't know enough about the region and our objectives there).
"There is no moderate Islam" Goodness, Brenden, you must live in constant fear of all the Muslims here, from NHS nurses to shopkeepers, rising up. Or do you think the rest are not true followers of their non- moderate faith and so safe enough ?
sp what power vaccum did we create, because i am not quite sure where we got involved in Syria, or Egypt for that matter. That includes all these countries that say they want democracy, yet it's the hardliners who are making the headlines and taking power.
on BBC4 is Bertrand Russell, and his words are ringing in my head, he just said that fanaticism is the worse thing of all. He may have been talking about a different time, but he is not wrong.
I think there will always be a fear of foreigners, look at the two doctors who tried to destroy part of Edinburgh airport, they had been here for a long while, treating patients, then, got the call, and willing to give their lives for the cause. how can you trust even one of any other nationality? even the irish. I'm afraid there are always a few bad eggs in every basket, and our basket is full of foreigners. just a matter of time before another bomb in a major town here.
The general consensus is that the ' vociferous Muslim extremists' would not stop preaching hatred and become peaceable British citizens, which then begs the question: Is the basis of their hatred simply racism ?
By the way, thank you all for your considered answers.
Katiekonker, do you believe there is no moderate Islam? Then does it not follow that the followers of that religion. if faithful to it, cannot hold moderate beliefs or be moderate? And if that follows, then either the large numbers of Muslims we see all over Britain, in all their various occupations are not true followers or are not moderate? If a large number are faithful to Islam then should we not be in fear of them rising up?
The opposite thesis would , of course, explain why the vast majority of Muslims here show no inclination to rise up or overthrow what exists in this country.
No, and that is for a simple reason. I am a Muslim (as many know here) and I have always believed (and still do) that Osama Bin Laden was an American agent. USA created Al qaeeda and planned many things to give them a good reason to invade few countries for specific purpose. However few people who were desperate because of double standards of the West, UNO and media. They accepted Osma Bin Laden as their hero. USA always knew where Osama was as he was always somewhere within their control or reach. However these INDIVIDUALS who have considered him a hero are deluded and are not known to USA or to any other country in the world. Then there are few other people after different kind of political, financial, and geographical benefits and therefore would keep on using these deluded people. In simple words, USA & CO has made world less safer place and it would continue like this for few more years to come.
Now CIA &CO (few other countries agencies) are behind other atrocities in the world. People will not believe me but then the same people did not believe when a few years ago I said that a time will come when USA would ask Taliban to come and talk to them and Taliban will refuse. It is happening now.
The only way it will stop or reduce is that if West and UNO will have to prove to the Muslim world that they do not have double standards. They should resolve decades long issues involving few Muslim counties or areas according to UNO resolutions including the most important issue of Palestine.
/// You know that there's been TWO wars in Iraq, don't you? The first took place before September 11th. ///
Yes the first was because Iraq invaded Kuwait, which was condemned by most of the World's powers.
And the second was to overthrow Saddam and was supported by fellow Muslims.
So why did the Muslims blow up the Twin Towers and attack London?
I cannot understand you sp you seem to defend Muslims no matter what, I would have thought that their stance on Homosexuality alone, would be enough for you to question their actions?
I thought the question was "would exstremists stop preaching hatred and become peaceable if we withdrew from Iraw and Afghanistan".
If you re-read my answers, I think you'll find I was giving reasons as to WHY there are hate preachers.
With the Muslim population of the UK being what it was in 1990 - how comes we had no hate preachers, or terrorist attacks?
One had to question why the has come about.
Oh, and I hate all homophobes. Problem is - Christian homophobes have by far the loudest voices and and the worst hypocrites.
It's the Christians who have galvanised support against marriages equality, not the Muslims.
Yes - there are Muslim states which have appalling records when it comes to persecuting gays, but there also a huge number of developing countries with where so-called Christians use their belief system to persecute gays and lesbians.
Muslims shouldn't be singled out for criticism when it comes to the treatment of gays.
By the way, you wrote 'Muslims', and I think what you mean was 'Muslim extremists'.
Or am I wrong? You see - off the top of my head, I can count about eight Muslim co-workers with whom I have really close friendships with and who I know harbour no prejudices.
Perhaps it's because they've grown up in an increasingly inclusive country. There ARE some jerks out the (Muslim teenager who put up NON GAY AREA) in Hackney....but happily, he has a big fat criminal conviction for his troubles now.