I always suspected they were a little jealous
I was just thinking today about how the british should have sent Princess Elizabeth over after they had liberated France and made her head of state
The queen could go over for a visit - and have an official dinner at the British Embassy decked out in every diamond shes got with rings on her fingers and toes and Kate wearing any spare
they could have taken Richard Lionheart back any time. Spent about 6 months of his 10-year reign in England, taxed it to the hilt to pay for his foreign adventures (sound familiar?) and left it in the hands of John Softsword, who was even worse. When he was taken prisoner, apparently in a brothel in Vienna, it took two years' GDP to pay his ransom. Perhaps Angers would like to refund this?
whenever I see the staue of Richard outside HOP I always think of the line he says in the 70's drama 'You can p!ss on England'
Sorry I cant remember the name but Brian Cox was Henry 2
jomifl. How many generations before you're English?
Elizabeth born in England as were her father, grandfather, great grandfather, great great grandmother etc.
If anything she's more Danish than German/
I also think she should wear them to the opening of the Olympics - in fact let them all have one on - I bet Charles has not worn the one he got for his investiture since
Maybe Kate could wear the little one that Victoria wore
Anyone would have been better than the pompous, vain buffoon who we nurtured during the war, then sent to them, then repaid us by keeping us out of the ground floor of the great European dream!