WARNING This thread is an open discussion of the book - it will inevitably contain lots of spoilers and plot discussion - please don't read the thread if you don't want to see this
I read this book a couple of years ago and it is one of my favourites.
It is a gruesome book with the killer slashing up victims with medical precision hence the killer's nickname The Surgeon. I like the partnership of Rizzolli and Isles and I like to guess who the killer is but with it's many red herrings, I turned out to be wrong. The love interest between the detective and victim keeps the novel fast paced and unputdownable.
I think to appreciate this book you have to read the follow up.. The Apprentice. If you like books with a medical theme plus cime and a bit of suspension and gore these books are great.
I enjoyed the book but took me a while to stop comparing it to the Tv show. I like how even though they are the same the book is way more serious but the Tv show is a lot more comical in parts.....Tess is an amazing author....the best one to read though would be The Mephisto Club