AFAIK statistically 70% of accidents involving adult cyclists and motorists are *wholly* the motorists' fault. Typical black spots are: pulling out of a side road in front of an oncoming cyclist, turning into a side road in front of a cyclist, cutting them off at roundabouts and the suddenly opened car door. (I have had personal experience of all of the above).
I firmly believe the onus should be on the motorist where safety is concerned.
I have read much extremist anti-cyclist rubbish over the years and let's face it, most non-cycling motorists hate the very presence of cyclists, trotting out the same old arguments against them eg. cycling on the pavement, lights, they don't pay road tax etc etc.
Cyclists have to put up with a lot - being cut up, sworn at, the weather, pollution etc. They should be respected as operators of non-environmentally damaging non-congesting transport IMO.
I am both a cyclist and a motorist so I feel I am fairly qualified to express what I've said.