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queenofmean | 12:27 Tue 07th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
having a bad day?


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Whats up huni?

I have a cheek saying to you that i have sore eyes and didnt sleep well but ive been worse xx
yes i'm having my bathroom ceiling ripped down and the effing mess is unreal still it had to be done had a leaky roof
A wee bit.

Mr P has really narked me, managed to screw up the baby's feeding routine last night so I've got one grumpy baby on my hands. Could easily chock him today.

What's bugging you today?

Not particularly.... And I have a lottery ticket for tonight so you never know! :c)
losing money with cancellations but hey I can join in watching Olympics
not a bad day, just an annoying episode. I can't find my usb cable(think thats
right) for my phone to transfer photo's to laptop. I have never used it,
thinking I have let mini~me borrow at some point cos we did have the same
phone. aaaargh...she will deny it if I ask, so I will end up having to buy a
new one anyway.

Are you having trouble at the shop again, with a certain person?
Bad back is making my day bad :o(
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Well Tinks...nothing major really just everybody looks really fuzzy through my right eye so wearing my specs, having hiccups in the 'ladies' department and just feeling a bit bleurgh. And my cats are bugging me and i'm only home for lunch :/

Oh dear needs must bernie..i'm a dab hand with a hoover or brush and whats that thing..dustpan

thats not good 2sp..hope baby is in less of a grumpy mood soon.
I had a bad nigh-scroll down cb!
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right...of to work (again) see you all later QoM x
lwn mower engine packed up just as i finished cutting grass more expence, still take the cost out of Mrs Bs housekeeping, beans on toast for the next month.
QOM..try and enjoy the rest of the day.....not long now to finish time.;o) x
Cya later xxxxx
Just the usual people in the supermarket.

They know exactly what I want, and park their trolley slap bang in front of the shelf I need then dither.
Bad fortnight actually, between one and three grandsons at any one time, their parents at work, me looking after them ....... I'm sure that at some point my sanity will return.
looking after 9 mth old grandaughter and she's stopping overnite and her mum has chosen today to decide to stop letting her have a dummy grrrrrr
Tracy66 although we luv the kids doesn't mean we don't wonna kill them specially school hols lol x
I've had a bit of a rubbish day too.
The 'no work' boredom has kicked in, roll on September.
I have had hiccups for last 12 days.

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