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sp1814 | 12:43 Mon 20th Aug 2012 | News
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Do you support proposals for ISPs to be forced to block porn sites?



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five years, ten years old does it matter, many children have computers in their bedrooms, which i don't agree with, so you may not know what they can access. You can't police children 24/7, as much as you would like to.
mobile phones and other technology, not easy to police those is it?
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Yes - as has been previously mentioned, a parent can have the home PC in the living room, and via Norton (or other suppliers), can set up parental locks - but the minute a kid gets their hands on a smartphone, then all that hard work is undone.
sp, exactly my point, smartphone, smart kid, works out how to access just about anything. Don't let them have one perhaps, but what's to say their mates won't have one.
don't mobile phones have ISP's too? mine just use the ISP blocking controls...if they dont offer it, change your ISP.
i don't need to worry about this stuff anymore, but i do think that if you want to access porn you should have an opt in clause on all technology.
Why would a young child need a smartphone in the first place!
don't you know any 12-15 year olds with smartphones, because i do.
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em10 has a point. Smartphones are SO cheap now (with many given away free on a contract or even as pay as you go), that parents opt to give their kids these rather than phones on which you can only call and text.
So if a reported 37% support the proposals, does that mean that 63% are opposed?

Look, if adults were honest about things like this I'm sure that the vast majority of us would admit that we don't really mind a bit of titillation, and porn provides exactly that.

Why be prudish and express mock horror - unless you're in a tiny minority. Besides, who knows who made up this 37%? Why should their opinion count for more than the majority?

Besides, who becomes some kind of "perv" by doing something which our natural urges virtually condone, i.e. indulging in some so say naughty voyeurism?

Having said all that, I've never subscribed to any porn site in my life, but if for example any programmes were to show sex, nudity etc etc, I'd certainly not be reaching for the remote control to turn it off. I just think that some people are disingenuous in their views.
I think that they should be blocked. it would save me a fortune!
Em keeps moving the goalposts. it started of as a 5 year old, then a 10 year old and now it's 12-15 year olds, it will be 18 year olds soon!

Kids under the age of about 12 have no need for a smart phone, once they get to much more than that then you should be able to trust your kids if they've been brought up properly.

If I stand by what I say, if young kids are viewing porn, that's the parents fault, not the ISP.
this isn't about adults though, it's about the accessibility where children are concerned. If it was only adults viewing who would care, no one. But children that's a totally different story.
not moving the goalposts, i suggest that it's far too easy for anyone to access porn, if you want to view it fine, but on internet, phone and elsewhere you should have to opt in. ISP are not concerned so it would seem, so unlikely this story is going anywhere.
the only people policing the internet should be parents.
If someone wants to watch it he should opt in. I don't agree with it being freely available for young people to see it. Parental control isn't always in place and I would have thought it should be illegal for under-age groups to be able to watch porn on demand.
but do they, and if they have a mobile, chances are you can access internet, or pass around pornographic images.
how old do you have to be to buy explicit magazines, 18? if so why is the internet, technology any different.
You have to be 18 to get an internet contract too (apart from PAYG mobiles, but as I said earlier, kids shouldn't' have smart phones until they can be trusted to use them.).

So you're saying if anyone buys a porn mag from a shop it should be the shopkeeper responsibility to come round and make sure the purchaser hasn't left the mag laying around the house so kids can find it? becuase that's what you seem to think ISPs should do.

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