how long can they keep themselves hidden? surely they need to go out in search of food and other things? or are they being looked after by someone? hate to say it, but i've not got a god feeling this will end well. you?
france is a big country, and europe is a big continent. If a french schoolgirl had rinaway, do you really think it would be given loads of airtime in the uk? I reckon your average french person would have no clue who they were when buying bread. Also, just 1 of them has to go out i guess, making it even less likely someone recognioses them. They've been all over the news here, but i wouldn't know them if i fell over them
Interesting point, the age of consent in France is 15. I don't know if they have similar legislation to our own which raises the age when there is a relationship of power / trust in place (like teach and pupil).
We were discussing this at work. We theorised that he must've built up a sizeable cash reserve, because had he been using credit/debit cards, the British authorities would be able to pinpoint their whereabouts.
Then someone else put up this theory - maybe she[i kidnapped [i]him] (ready availability of guns amongst teenagers was proffered as a theory).
Shows that if you cant do you teach and if you cant teach you teach PE.
Serioulsy though I dont see that much can be done if they find them. As far as I am aware no arrest warrant has been issued so what can the French Police or interpol do? It is clear she was not abducted and in France is not nuder the age of consent.
What amazes me is the amount of air time this has generated. surely this (runaway 15 yr olds) must happen all the time but I cant think of a singel prime time report in the recent past. Because he is a teacher I guess, but still well OTT
Tilly2 - It shows that as a teacher, he must be educated and therefore have a brain ...but these actions (especially given that she will finish school in May next year) do not reflect his intellect!
They will not be able to get married in France even if she is old enough. They will need proof of residency usch a sa utility bill, their birth certificates and their parents birth certificates just to begin with.
As an ex-teacher I always knew it as if you can't teach then you teach teachers.
Anyway, I agree there is such a kerfuffle in the press about this. There has been suspicion about them for months. If the UK was so bothered they should have made more of an effort to intervene before.