Although hindsight, if of interest to you, here are some relevant documents.
The White's News Agency (Sheffield) 'copy' of the allegations, as provided to many national and local media outlets...
A number of national newspapers reported some of the allegations while choosing to omit the more dubious claims; The Sun and The Daily Star included the complete copy. The Star and other nationals apologised the following day for their publications while The Sun (MacKenzie) stuck firm.
The contemporaneous notes of Irvine Patnick MP, who did not attend the match but was a visitor/observer during the aftermath...
In the presence of his acquaintance "Ch Supt David Duckworth" [Ch Supt David Duckenfield] he notes the allegations of serving officers that mirror the White's copy and is immediately followed by the line "I was advised by senior officers to take what had been said 'with a pinch of salt'".
MacKenzie claimed the news agency copy had been corroborated by Patnick and Duckenfield.