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Assuming he does not get charged .........

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Mick-Talbot | 08:50 Sat 06th Oct 2012 | News
95 Answers
Where does Mark Bridger go when released?


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What has that got to do with anything?
Annea - what does that have to do with the price of eggs?
eggs ?........... following a conversation yesterday someone asked this question. i didnt know !
IF the charges against this person are unfounded!! he will have more police protection than you will ever have.
He could have been charged 24 hours ago. After being charged no more questioning is allowed until the court case. So delaying charging him they could either extract a confession or fill in more details.

He will not be released this afternoon thats for sure.!
I agree with Nox and AOG here. That said we don't know what the police know.

It will be interesting to see the out come later today.

Lisa x
I wonder why the Police did not say to the local community they were searching for Bridger? Apparently, members of the public were chatting to him, and Channel 4 news had filmed him before he was captured by the Police. If he does indeed turn out to be April's murder, I think questions need to be answered for the delay in aprehending him sooner especially if the 24 hours he remained at large would have made any difference.
Bridger was described as a swimming pool lifeguard when he was first arrested. Later reports say he is an abbotoir worker.

Seems like an odd career change. Wonder why he no longer works at the swimming pool, and whether that is significant?
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Gromit, I posted on your earlier thread.

/// slightly of topic, but is april's father living at the family
home ? ///


/// What has that got to do with anything? ///


/// Annea - what does that have to do with the price of eggs? ///

Can't anyone ask a perfectly reasonable question without the need for such answers?

After all he has been missing from the scene recently, and his wife has been supported by her Step-Father.
/// What has that got to do with anything? /// is a perfectly reasonable question.
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Well he has an alibi for any forensic evidence relating to the vehicle.

The public were convinced that Christopher Jeffries (Bristol 2010) was guilty.
When this totally innocent man was released his life was horrendous due to the vigilante type mentality. (A friend of mine teaches at Clifton College )
That is going to make things much harder :-(
Essell - Mr Jefferies was named by the press, not the police!
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The public were convinced that Christopher Jeffries

Some .................some of the public were convinced that Christopher Jeffries (Bristol 2010) was guilty
Question Author
And who has said Bridger is guilty?
Many were convinced that he was too, Mick......

In short, Bridger has to go into protected hiding until things clear down the line.
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I remember the removed thread on here and the vast majority of ABers refrained from accusing Jefferies.
there were plenty who thought and voiced his "guilt"..............

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Assuming he does not get charged .........

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