@Boo - well, we all have our point of view and the world would quickly become a very boring place if we all thought the same :)
I, as an atheist, can attend a church. The church does not vet the entrants to the church by insisting that all attendees believe in a god.The church does not insist that I swear an oath to god before attending the congregation. They do not insist I pray even.or participate, or bow my head.It seemed to me back in the day, that you had a choice between the overtly religious Boys Brigade, or the more values based Scouts, and as a teenage atheist I chose the Scouts over the Boys Brigade because of that.
The Scout movement claims it is inclusive, but insists that its potential members either believe in a deity (any deity apparently, they are not restrictive in that regard) or are "searching" for one, implying that there is one to find.Scouts are expected to voice an oath to queen and country and to their god - so a truthful honest atheist is excluded from the organisation.So, presumably, they would be happy for a prospective member to profess a belief in and swear by, say Zeus, for example, or The Flying Spaghetti Monster. Its an absurd position to take.
This, in a secular society is discrimination, it seems to me, and I think it should be changed.