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/// Maybe they were offspring of civillians killed by our forces in Afghanistan ///
/// I'm just anti-British forces killing people in other peoples'
wars ///
The two statements give out two different messages.
The first criticises 'Our' troops for specifically killing civilians,
And the second actually states that you are against British forces killing people in other peoples wars.
Your second I can almost agree with, but there are a few points I wish to make clear.
I think that most British people are against this war in Afghanistan, in which our politicians dragged us into.
But it is wrong to put the blame on our Armed Forces, they have to do as they are told, it is their job and unlike the rest of us they cannot go on strike, if they have a grievance.
Another thing to consider is the fact that in any war zone there are bound to be civilian casualties, it is unfortunately unavoidable, especially when one cannot recognise the difference between a civilian and a combatant.
/// you always seem to be screaming for them all to be brought home the moment one gets hurt ///
"The moment one of them gets hurt" ???????
By that you really made it clear where your sympathies lie, and it is not with those who's job it is to defend all who live in this country, and unfortunately in other countries if we are so requested.
Let me make it clear, I am no hypocrite who defends us sending out aid to other countries, but then is against us sending out military aid.
/// I certainly don't think that just because I happened to be born in one particular country of the world I should automatically support its actions. ///
No matter what country you was born in you could not expect perfection, but England is as near to perfection as one is going to get. As regards the actions it takes, that is up to those who happen to be in power, and we live almost in a democracy so one has the chance to voice one's opinions at the ballot box.
/// If your children killed hundreds of people would you support their actions? What about if your country killed thousands? ///
To the first, of course not unless it was in a theatre of war, and to the second, that would be out of my hands, and in the hands of those in power.