I have just let my feelings known to the local newspaper. We have our voting cards but no mandates for the candidates, until yesterday we didn't know who they were or what the aim of this election is. Our local paper did an article about it yesterday. The PCC can hire or fire a chief constable, the successful candidate will be the one to set the budgets (in our case) the whole of West
Yorkshire, and set the priorities for them, and in consultation with us JOe Public put together a five year policing plan. But the Police will be able to carry on, the PCC will not interfere with operational policing, which is good of them.
Allour candidates are Politicians 2 Lib Dem 1 Tory and 1 Labour. A Political fix up interfering in Police Administration. £1000.000 per year job and I suspect an office with staff to run this venture. By all accounts the candidates are denied the right to advertise by sending out leaflets about this. How are the electorate supposed to give an informed vote when they know nothing about the candidates. I understand John Prescott is hoping to win his PCC ship in East Yorkshire.