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Should Pip Schofield be sacked?

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flipnflap | 08:33 Fri 09th Nov 2012 | News
84 Answers
If it was the other way round and a political figure, especially a PM, had done something as outrageous as Philip Schofield yesterday, live on ITV with a huge audience, there would be a Media witch-hunt against that politician until he finally resigned. Should squeaky Pip now do the decent thing and fall on his sword? I for one would not be sad to see him leave our screens.


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The way in which he behaved was totally infantile - a failed attempt at self-promotion.
10:22 Fri 09th Nov 2012
It was very unprofessional.

He should be sacked, or not given such an important interview in future.

He isn't really a journalist so that may account for his crassness.

The 6 names are semi public already, as anyone curious about them can easily find them.

I do not believe all the names are guilty, but I tend to believe the main allegation.
He's usually very good, imo.
I think it was a poirly thought out stunt, but Schofield will have had the sanction of the producers, so it should not be seen as him acting as some sort of maverick.

It was a stupid idea, and DC handled it with tact - hopefully such silly notions will not be the way this appalling crime is trivialised on national tv in the future.
It was a heavyweight subject for a lightweight presenter. Either they shouldn't be covering such topics on this show, or he shouldn't be presenting it.
It reminds me of the time when Matthew Wright decided to name the person who's raped Ulrika Johnson. (can't remember who it was, or if it was even found to be true)
Not the same, I know, but he wasn't sacked. Things slip out, mistakes are made. Philip Schofield is an excellent presenter and I think he did a pretty good job of grilling Mr Cameron.
Did he name John Lesley? (sp)
The way in which he behaved was totally infantile - a failed attempt at self-promotion.
I was watching it. I thought he did okay. It's a light hearted day time show, what do people really expect from him?
That's it, John Lesley. Yep, he named him live on air!

Euphemia, it could have genuinely been an accident. A "bad choice of camera angle", as they've said. If it was indeed a stunt, there's no way Schofield would have done that, without being advised by the producers of the show to do so.
Exactly, Ummmm! He's no Trevor McDonald, but he is good at what he does. I like him.
That ruined his career.
IF & I say IF the person that was on that list were guilty would you be patting PH. S. on the back Flip, the wrong doing here was the view the camera had on the list, I totally agree to expose these dirty sods if found guilty.
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> It's a light hearted day time show, what do people really expect from him?

Exactly what I was saying, but we reached the opposite conclusion. :)
Haha but I'm a girl and I think he's cute :-)
>That ruined his career.

It's been no great loss...

Lol @ Steve.5. You can't really compare this to what Jeremy Kyle does!
This is interesting. Seems another member of the McAlpine family may be the abuser.

Okay he's not David Dimbleby, in fact he's not even a journalist, but the man has done no wrong.
Jimmy Savile has been found guilty of precisely nothing but everyone is saying 'why didn't someone do something, say something???? Disgraceful, there were RUMOURS everywhere!!!' etc etc etc yet when someone does bring a very long standing and prevalent rumour to the attention of the Prime Minister live on air so there is no wiggle room, no ability to say ' I didn't know, realise' etc etc etc when historically the police have assisted in covering this up, he's castigated by the very same people who wondered why no-one DID anything about Savile.
Get a grip. It has to be one way or the other, you can't have both and I for one would rather one high profile person is made uncomfortable than a potential ring of high placed paeodophiles get away with abusing hundreds of kids and in at least 2 allegations killing them.
He didn't name anyone, he acted professionally enough imho, so why this crazy backlash?
Well said NOX!!!!!
good point, Nox.

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