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Council Tax

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Sue66 | 11:37 Fri 23rd Nov 2012 | Business & Finance
7 Answers
I am having problems with my Council over Council Tax payments. Because I had a very small increase in a private pension (amounting to £1.01 a week). To be honest, I thought I should let them know about this, knowing it would make only a very small difference to my payment. But after writing to them several times and a visit, they keep getting my total income incorrect and demanding over £200 instead of about £80 for rest of year. As they completely ignore my letters and proof of income and keep working it out incorrectly, who can I turn to? Any help please?


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Perhaps Citizens Advice may be able to help you.
You can make an appeal, if you go to this link and then put in a postcode or town name, it will take you to the approprate page on the Authority's website,
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Thanks. Perhaps I will try that. I am at my wits end. In the end I suppose it will work out properly, but as always, they will come up with some excuse and try to say I did not provide enough information, but I know absolutely I have and have copies to prove it. But of course, big organisations can "never make a mistake". Ha ha.
Council Tax correspondence usually has the name of the Director of Finance. Try contacting him and tell him his minions are incompetent.
surely it wasn't necessary to inform them of a pound a week increase in your private pension?
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I am just trying to be honest, even for £1.01 a week increase. It works out that I will have to pay 20% of that as extra Council Tax per week. I'm not fussed about that little amount, but they would be if I did not inform them and I would be penalised. Yet other people can cheat £1,000s of pounds and get away with it.
ael - you have to inform them of every change, no matter how small.

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