I'm glad the police have done such a good job in tracing the accused and arresting them. Excellent work.
Chilldoubt - I'm not sure what you meant when you said that 'a lot more would have been made of this had the attackers been non-Muslim'.
With the police making arrests within 24 hours and coverage in all major media outlets, how much more
could be made of it?
With regard to whether we should be concerned about these 'groups'...not sure whether we can assume some kind of organised campaign at the moment. Whilst a higher than average number of Muslims have a very negative opinion of homosexuals (compared with those not aligned to any religion), it should be remembered that deal with attacks, both verbal and physical, all over the country which rarely make national news.
With this being the case (and let's not forget Jody Dobrowski), might we be missing the point?
Take a look at this footage:
And then have a look at the number of attacks (not just verbal) that happen all the time to the gay community: