Conne, you won't be a help to her if you are gibbering wreck in front of her or any friends/contacts that may be asking after her.
This is all about you caring and you need to rationalise your thoughts so that you can present a strong and considerate front and be a real friend to her.
So two things:
Perhaps sit down and quietly write down the major points and how you should respond, and include any questions that you may have - these may be about her condition or even the emotional side and then you can work out who best to approach (perhaps its here on AB that some of your answers will be).
The one fundamental, the key thing to your friend is to be there for her and there's an old adage for sales and counselling and that is "God gave you two ears and one mouth - use them in that ratio." Listen, listen and listen and don't formulate opinions or solutions too quickly - take your time and think (the "don't leap and jump").
Lastly, I agree, you may wish to come off CB and put your question on Body and Soul.....the Ed more closely watches and acts on those being inane over there, recognising that a little well-judged humour can be beneficial.
Good luck