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Racial Tension.

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TWR | 19:35 Thu 21st Feb 2013 | News
42 Answers
I've no link, people wonder why there is racial tension in the UK, these 3 arrested in Birmingham with intent to kill as many people as the 9/11.


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I think the news said as many as the 7/7. Still, it's frightening to think of what they were intending to do.
Thank goodness for our security services.
Racial tension is a huge problem and it doesn't help that the subject can not be discussed at all levels without being branded racist, fascist and the usual current 'buzz' words, usually by people / groups with nothing else worthwhile to contribute to advancing society.
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Look back on the site regards the post in an hour Order!!
I can imagine TWR.
-- answer removed --
sports injury cold packs must be banned immediately.
I despair at the education & opportunity they're given culminates in such hatred; 2 are graduates - wasted imo.
Maybe in the interests of race relations they should be given councilling so they can see the error of their misguided ways. As they were to act as suicide bombers we have ways of dealing with anti-social problems.
No amount of counselling will lift the cowl imams put upon them in the name of islam.

Only imams have the power to re-direct young minds from destruction in the name of jihad.
Why, JNO??
because that's where they were getting their explosive material from.

Just curious. When there are mass shootings in the USA, ABers say "Ban guns!" When there are planned mass killings here, ABers say "Ban people!" Different standards?
a hair tint product was used for 7/7 bombings and it was withdrawn from public sale. Its now supplied to salons, under licence.
not the terrible "henna bomb"?? It was a plot by the Reds...
It's sickening to think that they are British born, how can we deport nasties like them?
why would you want to deport them? Just put them in jail like other Brits.
//I've no link, people wonder why//..

and this is posted in news, without a question?
Well I hope someone gives them a good British going over for treason.

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