For your Information Eccles, I have friends in Afghanistan, that are local to Afghanistan, that know the Taliban, that have seen what the Taliban can do, Do or Die!, My friends son came back from Afghanistan, that helped the Afghanistan's to fight the Taliban, that was Financed by the Opium, that financed their gain of guns, rocket propelled ammo, that had their Grenades, he cam back to Britain on a stretcher, he was a married lad that had the world to live for, he recuperated in Birmingham where the scum was collecting in their Dresses & beards for a so-called charity that financed the Terrorists that helped to kill & main people that ended up helping him to loose his legs, arms, his social life, do not give me the sht, I do not need it, I live in a real world, I know they are not all alike, BUT THE CAN help rid the world of Scum like them 3, THERE IS A WAY, can we find a way? no whilst there are do.fecking goodies, & there seems to be a few on here.