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The Way You Post.

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TWR | 21:21 Fri 22nd Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
81 Answers
I have seen / noticed how a lot post their views, & they post them well, I to a point envy you in the way you say things, myself, what I see is is white, I may upset persons by what I say but that is the way i see the world, I do not beat about the bush, that obviously gets me a lot of bad responses, but I'm sorry that me, I have been brought up to say what I see, what I think, maybe that's the wrong way to say it, but, thats me.


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ouch B00
22:24 Fri 22nd Feb 2013
Fair enough, TWR!
I usually enjoy your posts but beware............
The apostrophe police may be after you after this one ;-))
Yes Ok TWR.
You are entitled to your opinion! However some punctuation in your posts would help your message considerably!
Everyone's entitled to an opinion TWR.
You're wrong TWR.

Most people don't really object to what you say, they object to HOW you say 'em. Sometimes your posts are a little difficult to decipher and sometimes what you're trying to get across....well, doesn't.
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I do not, I do not indent not, I will not unless antagonise by a few unintentionally upset anyone one but as you may have seen, there are a few on here that like to think they are the ONES, are they? they can think what they like, but I am not one of them,sacra cam is the lowest form of wit, as the lowest form of wit may, or may not realise, but the may think as they please, have a nice night you lot, pleasant the self righteous???
Point proved ^

G'night TWR x
No-one here should have to apologise for being their self. As time goes by we get to know the individual posters, bit by bit.

I am of very working class stock - no shame from me. I, too, post my true feelings and others can like it or not. I don't (usually) go out of my way to upset people. so if I have it was (probably) unintentional. I can do serious posts and many frivolous ones. I suspect I often am guilty of long posts, but if that offends, feel free to ignore me. People can like me or otherwise - I can live with that.

Anyone can become a member here and should be able to post within the normal Site Rules.

I would just wish that people could be a little more understanding and forgiving at times. It really doesn't hurt that much :)
TWR - sweet dreams xx
TWR please please don't take this the wrong way but your 'sacra cam' has made me rock with laughter so I sincerely thank you for that. Have a drink and lighten up, we are all part of life's rich tapestry. x
Don't worry about it TWR. Variety, as they say, is the spice of life.
'sacra cam'

Is he talking to a sweary Frenchman on skype?
It might be the name of the wine.
-- answer removed --
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20.40 Speaking to the wind as usual. sad person/
I like you :-)
Oh chill out TWR.

Yes I was bloody sarcastic to your earlier, but the way your post was phrased IMHO deserved a little sarcasm.

Man up and stop bloody moaning.
TWR as already said, we each have our way of getting things onto the page and sometimes, although we think we have been clear - it may not seem that way to others.

Reminds me of a lovely guy who started to post in Quizzes and Puzzles, sometimes it was a bit hard to decipher his posts...

some replies went along the lines of

"Come again" or "I'll have what you are drinking" with the occasional, " We are not mind readers".

Eventually he fathomed how to reply and told all he was recovering from a severe stroke and part of hie rehabilitation was to get back to doing crosswords.

So my message is, this site is made up of many people with different reasons for their posting, let us be a little more patient.

Cheers TWR and all.

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