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How Far Is The Government Responsible For Stupidity?

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DangerUXD | 16:43 Wed 06th Mar 2013 | News
50 Answers
At what point must people take responsibility for their own finances?


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Sort of. I knew he had an interview today but didn't know how it went.

For the purpose of the answer, what was relevent was that his income had become reduced (but his outgoings hadn't). hopefully he won't be using these companies again.
news item on tv, young woman was being interviewed, she said that rather stupidly she had borrowed 100 pounds from one of these outlets, i missed a bit, but she went on to say she now owes them thousands, i have no idea why it is that amount, suffice to say she doesn't have it...
Have you ever seen the interest rates on these loans em? They hover at around 5000%
it was said earlier in thread, i wasn't sure why the woman needed the money, i didn't see all the piece...
To owe thousands on a £100 loan is clearly not a short term loan.

I also have to question the quotes bandied around claiming it is to buy food. Maybe, but where has the rest gone? fags/booze/bookies maybe? I can't believe that in this state handout state people cannot put food on the table (unless of course it is because it was spent on the lash or the latest iPOD). Often when you see poeple interviewed in their homes they are puffing away whilst the kid playsoin the background on the latest gadget.

People have to learn to make do. Quite often the well are such becuase of their prudence, but of course the right-on lefties see them as a cash cow to fund the feckless.
So you're in favour of the legalisation of recreational drugs then are you?

Surely you'd have to be stupid to get involved in that and the same argument applies!
One would hope there were already laws against abuse. But as time goes on I'm more convinced we live in a, "do whatever you can get away with", society.
The government should enforce a cap on the amount of interest these loan companies charge, just as there should be a cap put on the amount of rent a landlord can charge their tenants.
/Often when you see poeple interviewed in their homes they are puffing away/


And frequently they are cigarettes supplied by the crew to steady interviewee nerves so they can get the footage they need

So a meaningless observation
So they only smoke when the film crew are about then?

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