I know. But I just can't get worked up about something that I don't care about (rightly or wrongly).
He speeded. I don't care. We all do.
He lied about it. I don't care. If he'd run over someone, and lied about it, I'd think it was terrible. But he lied about having driven too fast. Big deal.
I know lots of people who are self employed. Sometimes they "put things through the business". They buy a pad of paper and let their kids have it to draw on. They are committing fraud. They are criminals.
I'm self employed. I buy stationery for work and use it for my shopping list. I'm a tax evading criminal. The lappy which I'm using for AnswerBank was bought as a business expense. Clearly I should spend the rest of my life behind bars.
I live a life of crime, and I mix with criminals, obviously.
But however they dress it up, this is a case about someone who drove too fast (on a safe, empty stretch of the M 11) and then lied about it.
Frankly, I cannot bring myself to give a stuff about trivial things like that. Not even when it's someone famous.