What Do I Do?
Hello all,not sure if ive posted this in the right place but anyway,i have been with my girlfriend 9 years now,we live together have 2 littlle girls,4 and 7..we have been through a hell of alot,including 5 miscarriages and so on,but the past 5 years i have been such an idiot,i got involved with drugs which led to me going out on weekends and basically not coming home for 2 days sometimes,mostly through me being ashamed etc,my partner obviously has all sorts going through her head and often we would split up for a week,month,and so on,more recently we split for 16 weeks through xmas and new year and she asked back home in min january this year,although in the time apart i found her out up town with another guy and her uncle just a week after we broke up,they saw me and ran off,then facebook messages from him saying on his status "i realise how much i like u now babe"..then she was coming in at 6am some weekends saying she had fell asleep on a friends sofa,it was out of character,she started ignoring me completely wen this guy was on the scene,i found out who he was asked him wa was going on he said they are just friends,she said she hardly knows him,im struggling since being back home knowing the truth,i think they were sleeping togeher ...but when i ask her to talk about it she gets angry and says nothing happend its all in my head and i cant seem to get any answers so its all inside me and i have horrible thoughts...........i love her but...wa do i do....